Reporting overview

The system has a "Reporting" section, which includes a wide arsenal of statistical information.

You can go to the section from the working panel of the system:


To connect access to the section for a particular group of agents you need to go to "Management" -> "Group access rights" and then select the desired group for editing. Then go to the "Reporting" tab where you need to enable the following toggle switches:


In each report you can create a template to save time. For this purpose you need to choose "Add a template" in the list with already created reports. In the section you can find analytical tools, which are divided into two categories: 

1.Main reports:

  • General report has a general information about your system for a specified period of time and in the context of the selected Departments.

General report allows you to see the general picture of the customer service and the main indicators. It is suitable for the overall assessment of the contact center, as well as for the analysis of the load.


Please note that the "General report" ignores the requests where with no assignees, as well as requests where the agent and the requester is the same user.

If you need to create a report taking into account requests where the agent is also requester or assignee is not specified, use the "Report constructor".


  • Dynamic report - allows you to create two types of graphs and three types of charts based on the parameters in a specified range, as well as to build a report by activity type and group by period;
  • Global report - allows you to get data in any breakdown (by custom fields, dates, types, assignees, etc.), sort data, analyze the number of requests by specified parameters and much more;

An additional option  allows you to create a report only on closed requests (with the "Closed" status).


  • Audit report - information on selected actions of agents in requests for a certain period of time, helps to evaluate the productivity of agents;
  • Report constructor - provides a possibility to generate a report by selected agent or client, company and department in the system. Also you may use here created report templates from the "Print" section;
  • Billing report - allows to display spent or paid time for request according to the specified time period;
  • Agent feedback - feedback received by agent for a specified period. Generates a satisfaction rate indicator based on these data;
  • Feedback on requests - helps to get more detailed view of the statistics by agent and the feedback received;
  • Agent statuses - information in the form of a graph and a table about the time an agent has been in a certain status, number of status changes, date and time of the last and first actions for the selected period of time.


2. Additional reports:

  • SLA report - shows the average time for:
    • execution of a request;
    • first reply;
    • execution of the request by SLA;
    • first reply by SLA;

by the types and statuses of requests and for the specified time period.


Please notice:


First reply time - the actual reply time to the initial request (regardless of the working time). 

First reply time by SLA - depends on the work time settings. If, for example, a request is received at 8:00 and the work day starts at 9:00 and the agent replies at 9:15, the SLA time will be 15 minutes (9:00 + 15 minutes), while the first reply time will be 1:15 hours (8:00 + 1:15).

The request execution time is the amount of time from the creation of the request to its execution, regardless of working hours.

The request execution time by SLA - depends on the working hours.

The working hours is set in the system in the "SLA settings":


  • Agent report - information on the average time of request execution and first reply of agent for a specified period of time by type of request;
  • User report - viewing statistics on the requests created in the system with the possibility to specify the required time period and type of requests;
  • Company report - displays how many requests in the system from users of companies, in what status they are, the average time of the first reply and execution time;
  • Department report - the number of requests by department in the system, their status, average time of the first reply and execution for the selected time period and type of requests;
  • Chat channels report - statistical information about the work of each channel for the specified time interval;
  • Chat agents report - the number of requests processed by agent in the "Omnichannel" section and detailed statistic information on each agent for the selected period and departments;
  • Dispatcher report - information on the status and number of triggers of the rules for the specified interval

    In addition to the time interval, in order to get the data, it is necessary to specify the name of the conditions and actions. As a result, you can go directly to the rule itself and its group. Thus, with a large number of settings in the dispatcher, you can filter and track ineffective or inefficient rules.