To integrate EddyDesk with third-party systems or send notifications, our system has a powerful API, which allows exchanging information with external systems. However, it's often necessary to get information from EddyDesk for some events, for example, to send a notification when an urgent request comes in. For this purpose it is possible to call Webhooks.
Webhooks allow you to notify/call external systems about events in EddyDesk. For example, you can use Webhooks to send SMS notifications to customers/agents, integrate with a CRM system, and so on.
You can create webhooks in the dispatcher, it allows you to flexibly configure the sending of webhooks using the conditions.
When adding a webhook you need to:
- Select HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
- Specify a link where a request is going to be sent. You can use tags in the link.
- Specify data format: JSON, XML, X-FORM-URLENCODED.
- If authorization is necessary, select authorization type: username, password/API key.
- Make a request with data in the chosen format using tags. In case of X-FORM-URLENCODED, you must use "&" as a separator for variables.
If the server responds with an HTTP code 2Х/3ХХ then the request is considered successful, in another case, for example, if the server is unreachable, the request will be repeated every 30 minutes for 24 hours.
Let's look at a few examples:
- Sending PUSH notifications to agent's Telegram when a new request is received.
- Sub-request sends an internal note to the parent request after receiving a reply.
1) Sending PUSH notifications to agent's Telegram when a new request is received:
In the URL field you must insert the link with the bot's token, through which the sending will be performed. The link should look like this:
*where - unique authentication token of bot.
In the content you need to specify the template that will be sent when the rule triggers. The "chat_id" field must contain your unique Telegram account id. You can find out the id, for example, by contacting the Telegram bot @myidbot:
An example of the content:
"parse_mode": "html",
"chat_id": "********",
"text": "link for request: {link_staff}"
where * is the id of user (agent), to whom the notification of request will be sent.
2) Sub-request sends an internal note to the parent request after receiving a reply:
URL field: https://*{parent_ticket_id}/comments/ where * is the address of your system.
User name and password for standard authorization must be copied from the "Global settings".
You can restrict sending an internal note to the parent request only if the reply to the sub-application came from the end user's side. To do this, in the Additional conditions you must select the "Author of the last reply" condition.
In case you do not know how to make the necessary integration, feel free to contact us - we will be happy to help!