
The Contacts menu allows you to store and process information about users, user companies and equipment in the system.

User - a person who has access and the ability to work with the system, depending on the type of access. Each user has his personal account. 

Contact - the contact information of the user. When creating users manually is required to specify the e-mail, but if the user has created a request through the messenger or social network, contact will be created on the basis of information obtained from the channel.


Group (of user) -  the type of user access to the system. Group includes all settings of access to various functionalities of the system. The settings affect the system displaying and working with it from the group user's personal account.

Company (organization) - any organization or company whose employees are the system users. 


Equipment - any objects belonging to the company that can be bound to the requests of end users.

  • access rights;
  • user status and notifications;
  • user card;
  • merging contacts;
  • import and export;
  • companies and company managers;
  • equipment;
  • search.

To connect the section to users, please open Management  -> "Group access rights", choose the group you'd like to edit and give it the access to the "Contacts" module.


Now a user from the group can :

  • view end user's card and requests;
  • add comments and files. 


You can allow the users of the selected group;

  • edit, create user cards according to their type;
  • delete users, companies and equipment;
  • interact with the contact fields;
  • import and export the contact list;
  • view the "Audit" of the user.

Once connected, the "Contacts" section will appear on the left working panel of the system.


In the "Contacts" section you can always change/assign any status to the user. Pay attention to the designations and differences of user statuses in the system:

  • "Active";
  • "Blocked" status is used to block receiving requests (letters) from the e-mail address of the user (for example, if it is spam). Blocked user cannot log in to the system, but he is included in the invoice;
  • "Fired" is used in case of dismissal of agent, the status is permanent, you cannot change it for another, respectively, the user will not be able to log in the system. It is not included in the invoice.


Status can be set in the user card or in the general list. Also in the same column you can disable sending notifications to the user's e-mail from the system. Thus, for example, a user with the client access type will not receive any notifications to his email and can see the answer to his request only in his personal account in the system.


The user card is the repository of all information about the user in the system. You have the ability to access:

  • to his actions and properties in the system;
  • all contact information;
  • additional information in the custom fields;
  • attached files;
  • notes;
  • the last time the user was logged in and from which IP address. 

The language you set is used to display the language of your personal account, including for sending notifications. You can also set the corresponding time zone.


The "Add to similar users" button allows you to find and merge contacts manually from the user card. If a user has written to you from another source you haven't contacted before, if any information matches, the system will inform you about it by displaying an exclamation mark next to his name, then you can go to the main client card and see the "Similar users" block with a suggestion to merge contacts:


which will give you the opportunity to see the entire history of the client's contacts, regardless of his choice of method of contacting you.


The system provides the ability to Export and Import users.

To export users, click the Export button. It is also possible to pre-filter users using the search. The system will unload the list of users in .csv format, which will open correctly, for example, in Excel.

To import users, click on the "Import" button - a service window with import parameters will open. Select the group that will be assigned to the new users, as well as the order of the columns in the imported file.

The column "First name, Last name" can be used if you have a first and last name of the contact in one column (without a comma between them) for correct distribution on the fields, intended for this information in the system.


Also, please note that the imported file.csv must have:

  • comma delimiter (by default, can be changed if necessary);
  • UTF-8 encoding.

When loading contacts, you can make a preview of what you import to make sure everything is correct, and then import into the system.


In the system you can create companies and interact with them. Linking users to companies gives you the following advantages:

  • create a reports in the context of requests by employees of one company;
  • filtration of requests;
  • history of users' requests from the company;
  • ability to give the Manager of the company access to all requests of their employees, including the ability to participate in the discussion or solution of any issue directly. 

You can add a company in the "All companies" menu using the "Create a company" button:


or the opportunity to create a company appears in the user card itself when editing and entering the name of an unknown company for the system. The same opportunity is displayed when creating a new user.


When editing an existing company, you can specify a company domain, e.g. If a user create a request from such domain, they will automatically be attached to the existing organization. In the "Company managers" block you can select an employee who will have access to all requests of the company's users.


In the company card you can view the entire history of users' requests, as well as create or view equipment attached to the company. In order to work with the "Equipment" subsection first of all you need to connect it. The same as the "Contacts" section, the subsection is connected to a selected group of users from "Groups access rights" menu.


You can create the equipment in the company card. 

The section itself stores all existing equipment in the system. When creating equipment you can enter the Article, serial number, name and description of the equipment. 


The parent category allows you to create a tree structure for equipment cards. For example, by selecting Computer as a parent you can add all its constituent parts. 


When creating a request, the user will have the possibility to add equipment to which the request refers, and the agent will be able to edit this information in the future.

Also when you click on any equipment you can view its card, where you can add notes and view the history of requests related to the selected equipment.


When generating reports by default, the system unloads all equipment from the request into one cell, usually customers use one equipment in one request.

If you use several pieces of equipment in your request, the system offers an opportunity to receive each piece of equipment separately. You can use the following tags to create a template for a report in the Printout section:

{equipment_name_*}- equipment name;
{equipment_article_*} - article;
{equipment_serial_*} - serial number;
{equipment_text_*} - description of the equipment.
Where * is an integer, the calculation starts with 1. That is, to get the first equipment {equipment_name_1}, to get the second {equipment_name_2}, etc.

These tags can be used in any format and location convenient for you.


In the section you can search contacts by user name, selecting a company or a group, as well as using the Advanced search fields, which includes the following additional fields, by which you can filter contacts:


  • Department;
  • Companies user type - you can select managers or employees;
  • Status
  • Enabled or disabled notifications;
  • Similar users. 


In case you have any questions about configuring the equipment, you can always contact our support team.