Youscan integration

Create requests in EddyDesk from important YouScan mentions


You can easily send reviews of your products from YouScan to EddyDesk and make your customer support workflows easier and faster.


  1. Go to topic Settings and navigate to Integrations in the topic where you'd like to set up the integration;

  2. Select the HelpDeskEddy integration;

  3. Specify your HelpDeskEddy subdomain;

  4. You should receive a test mention. Check how it looks as a EddyDesk request.


How to automatically send mentions to EddyDesk using rules


The Rules function can help you create a conditional statement to automatically send mentions to a different tool - for example, sending all reviews to EddyDesk. 


Once the rule is in place, all new mentions that satisfy the conditional statement will be automatically sent to EddyDesk.



It is also possible to get all the new mentions to EddyDesk. Just select all mentions without applied filters and hit yellow magic wand to create a rule.



How to manually send mentions to an integration


You can send individual mentions to an integration manually.



This is what the mention looks like in EddyDesk.



If you have any questions about setting up integrations, send us a chat message or email at