
Most service companies service different types of equipment, which is on the balance sheet of client companies, and they need to monitor its condition and solve incoming requests for it. In this connection, there is a need to receive reports, have access to the history of requests related to equipment maintenance, etc. 

All of this allows you to implement the "Equipment" menu. 


The Equipment is connected through the menu "Groups, access rights":



You can create equipment in the company card, in the "Contacts" menu.

The section itself stores all the existing equipment in the system. You can enter the product code, serial number, name and description of the equipment when you create it:



The parent category allows you to create a tree structure for equipment cards. For example, by selecting Computer as a parent category, you can add all its components. 


When creating a request, the user will have the ability to add the equipment to which the request applies, and the employee will have the ability to edit this information in the future.

Also, when clicking on any equipment, you can view its card, where you can add a note and view the history of requests that are associated with the selected equipment.


When you create reports by default, the system unloads all equipment from the request into one cell, usually customers use one equipment in one request.

In case you use several pieces of equipment in the request, the system offers an opportunity to receive each piece of equipment separately.


You can generate a report on equipment usage using the report designer, by creating a required template in the "Print" section. Read more about how to create a printout and generate a report on the link. 


The following tags for unloading equipment:

{equipment_name_*}- equipment name;
{equipment_article_*} - SKU;
{equipment_serial_*} - serial number;
{equipment_text_*} - description of the equipment.


Where * is an integer, the calculation starts from 1 (to get the first equipment specify {equipment_name_1}, to get the second - {equipment_name_2}, etc.).