
The Analytics module allows you to get quick access to statistical information about the department and company in real time.


The setting  in the "Group access rights" section is responsible for displaying the module to the user. When editing the selected group, you can open access to the module in the Reporting tab:


The module includes the following sections

  • Overview
  • Channels
  • Agents

In the "Overview" section you can see the number of requests that were received, are being processed and completed (different statuses of requests) for a selected period of time, such as:

  • month;
  • week;
  • day (requests statistics by hours is displayed).

Circle diagrams about number of requests from different sources of incoming to the system and clients' feedback:


In this section you can interact with the elements of charts, adjusting them in this way to display the information you need.

In order to hide the data on the source of incoming requests you should click on the color next to the channel name:


The "Channels" section allows you to set the SLA for the first reply and filter by departments and different sources of incoming requests in the system at the current moment (for today):


As with the "Overview" section, you can interact with the chart by turning off and on the display of the average first reply time and the average time for all responses.


The "Agents" section helps you filter and monitor the time that each of the specialists is in a certain status.

For example, you can check how long an agent is "Online" or "On hold" or how long they have been "Offline: