Report constructor and Printout

In the "Printout" section you can create an unlimited number of acts and printout forms. Any information from the request (including client information) can be used in the printout form.

To access to the section, open "Group access rights" menu, then select the group for editing and enable the Printout in the "Management" section:


To create/edit printouts, open "Management"  -> "Printout" and then select "Add Printout" or edit an existing template:


You can create two types of printout templates:

  1. For requests;
  2. For reports.

When adding or editing a template, a preview is available, as well as Tags. Templates are created using standard HTML syntax.


"For reports" template is used to create an individual report in the system. For example, unloading the list of requests by any of the specified parameters, including values of custom fields.

Let's create a template for reports using the following tags:

  •  {unique_id};


  •  {user_name} (requester);


  •  {date_create};


  •  {answer_first_without_html} (without saving text formatting);


  •  {department};


  •  {owner_name} (assignee);

 Then there are two options for creating a template:

1. With the headers, the names of columns in the list of requests, is used to correctly display the data in xml format. To create the template you will need to:

  • enable the XML checkbox;
  • all tags of the request must be combined into one common tag, for example
  • wrap each one in tags with the same name: {unique_id}, names of such tags will be displayed as column names in the report;
  • when using text fields for uploading (first reply, all correspondence, internal notes or custom fields) every tag should be wrapped in additional CDATA tag for correct display in Excel:



This is what the template will look like:



2. "Add headers to the beginning of the printout" - This option means that column names are generated automatically and are used to create csv format reports.

To create such a report, just enable the "Add headers to the beginning of the printout" checkbox and select the desired tags using some separator.

This is how the template will look like if you use | separator: 




When you download the .csv report, you'll need to open it with the delimiter you used. To do this, open the Excel program, select Open and follow the instructions:


To create reports using previously created templates, please open the "Report constructor" :


This constructor allows you to create a unique report using the necessary tags, and then upload the requests to Excel. To start using it, select the value for the "Generate report" column . 

Choose the section in which you want to get the list of requests and then filter it by the necessary data: select the date, department, requester , assignee, status, type, include key performance indicators and select custom fields of the request, if they are.


You have two options then:

  1. Generate a report based on the selected parameters to filter requests, including custom fields. 
  2. Generate a report by the template and the specified parameters, excluding the custom fields of the request (you must use the tags in the template to include the data).


Let's use the second variant and generate report by previously created templates.

The report will appear below - in the "Last requested template reports" block, where you will see the information on it, the time interval, the number of requests and the possibility to download the report in text, .xml and .csv formats.

When you click on "Parameters" the parameters that were specified for the selected report will be displayed. Thus you can always create a report with the same parameters as before or recheck them.


Let's open our reports in Excel. The information is successfully displayed in the table:


In the same way you can create all the reports you need.


Let's create a template for printing the information from the request for example.

This time we'll use only two tags to display the request ID and it's content:

  • {unique_id};
  • {all_posts}.


Please note that in the preview all the selected tags are arranged in a line. In order to structure the information in any way, use the capabilities of HTML. For example, adding br tag to make a space.
You thereby add line break, which will be displayed in the preview at once.


To use the template, open the necessary request and click on "Printout" button:


Then select or add a template - the preview of the necessary information will be displayed. Click on the Printer icon and choose to print directly or save the information in PDF format: