To generate a report you need to open "Reporting" section and select Chat agents report. This report allows you to get detailed statistics on agents who work with requests coming from different communication sources:
- Facebook;
- Telegram;
- Viber;
- WhatsApp;
- Instagram;
- Chat.
In the report you can set the period for which you want to get information, filter the requests by department and then view or immediately download the data in a .csv file:
The following parameters will be displayed in the report:
1. Agent - the name of the agent who worked with the requests;
2. Replied - number of requests, which were answered by agent;
3. Not replied - number of requests which were not replied by agent;
4. Transferred - number of requests which were transferred to another agent;
5. Average speed of the first reply (sec) - average value on a sample of requests: time from the moment of request creation till the first reply of agent;
6. Average speed of all replies (sec) - average value of the time between each agent reply to each customer's reply, without taking into account the initial request;
7. Chat average come back (sec) - average speed between the replies of agent going in a row;
8. Average time of conversation (sec) - time from the moment the request is received until it is closed;
9. Feedback "+" (chat) - number of positive feedbacks from chat;
10. Feedback "-" (chat) - number of negative feedbacks from chat;
11. No feedback (chat) - the number of requests from the chat without feedback;
12. Agent time of being "on hold" status (min);
13. Agent time of being "online" status (min).
Detailed description of the parameters:
1) Example of calculating the parameter "Chat average come back (sec)":
10:00 End user: please move my order to 12.10
10:07 End user: would you?
10:15 Agent: Hello
15:20 Agent: What is your order number?
16:30 End user: 123456
16:40 Agent: One moment, please
17:00 Agent: Order not found
17:05 Agent: Kindly check the correctness of the order number
17:20 End user: sec
30:10 End user: got it: 123452
31:20 Agent: Thank you
32:00 Agent: order has been transferred.
53:35 End user: Thanks
54:20 Agent: May I help you with anything else?
54:35 End user: That's it, thank you!
55:00 Agent: You are welcome!
10:15-15:20 = 305 sec;
16:40-17:00 = 20 sec;
17:00-17:05 = 5 sec;
31:20-32:00 = 40 sec;
Calculate the average: (305 + 20 + 5 + 40)/4 = 92.5 sec.