Dynamic report

With the dynamic report you can analyze various statistics, quantitative indicators in more detail, as well as view it by specifically defined parameters in different time intervals - hours, days, weeks, etc.

The report allows you to analyze and group the workload of each division (department) on a monthly, weekly or daily basis, and understand whether the load has increased or decreased, in what period it became more, and in what less, for which specific departments or for which specific parameters of the applications.


For example, you want to know how many requests were closed by all employees for each month, compare their performance with previous months, as well as with the performance of other employees and understand who of them shows the best results, and with whom you need to do more work: 



Either you want to know how much the volume of calls to the system increases during holidays (sales season, New Year holidays, etc.) compared to normal days, or you want to know how much your employees' first response time to requests has changed compared to previous periods - all this, and much more, makes it possible to make a report in dynamics.


In addition, the report has extensive visualization capabilities, which allows you to demonstrate the results more clearly to the management. The Dynamics Report offers various types of information display: a vertical line chart, pie and bar charts, as well as the display in tabular form with the subsequent possibility of downloading information to an Excel table or printing it: