Custom fields

The system allows you to create the custom fields which may be used in the requests.

Such fields are set up in the "Request fields" menu:


You can add the access in "Group access rights" men. Also it is possible to prohibit any changes to already created fields in the menu by enabling the "Read only" setting:

  • Group of fields creation;
  • Custom fields creation;
    • Types of fields:
      • Text field;
      • Text area;
      • Numeric field;
      • Dropdown list;
      • Associated fields;
      • Date;
      • Time;
      • Regular Expression;
      • Checkbox;
      • File;
      • Button;
      • Multibutton;
  • Creating scripts;


When you open a menu you will be able to add a group of fields.

Division of fields into groups allows you to set up your own fields for different Departments. For example, there are some fields for the technical support, and others for financial matters.

When creating a group of fields, you must specify access by Departments, in which departments they will be visible to users. 

"Add one more" option gives you the opportunity to create a second group of fields without having to open the pop-up window again:


Once you have created the required group of fields - click on the Add a field button. The system will offer you to choose:

  • Title of the field;
  • group for your field, you can change the group when creating or editing the field;
  • activity;
  • display only - possibility for user groups to edit and/or view a custom field;
  • editing and displaying - specify user groups for which the field is mandatory for filling in when creating a request and/or for changing a status.


  • type field - depending on the selected type you will need to fill in the necessary information. It is possible to set a default value for most fields. Following types of custom fields are available:

1. textbox - used for notes or memos, usually consisting of literally a few words;


2. text field - used to add more detailed information, comments, etc. The size of the field is automatically expanded when you add text and is limited only by the size of the request's work panel. It is also possible to adjust the size of the field in the lower right corner;


3. numeric field - a line where you can enter numeric values;


4. drop-down list - a list of set values;


5. associated fields are designed to organize a complex branching structure of linked values. You can enter several first levels and further distributing sublevels for each step. Previews are available when you create them.

For example, you can make a listing of existing goods or services in this order:

  • Product:
    • Home appliances:
      • Large home appliances:
        • Refrigerators;
        • Freezers;
        • Ovens;
        • Cooking Units;
        • Stoves;
      • Small home appliances, etc.

Every time you want to add a new category of goods, just add a value in front of the title:


6. date:


7. time:


8. regular expression field allows you to check the information entered in the field by the given template, as well as to place a "Field mask" hint in which format the field expects information. If you enter it incorrectly, a tooltip about the necessary format will be displayed. The system has already configured templates, such as Bank card, Phone number and Email.



Let's look at some additional examples:

  • Internet Resource URL:
    • The mask for the field is
    • Restrictions - the link must start with http or https;
    • Two options of regular expression:
      • (http|https)://[A-Za-z0-9_/:%#\$&\?\(\)~\.=\+\-]+
      • https?://[A-Za-z0-9_/:%#\$&\?\(\)~\.=\+\-]+
  • Email with specified ending, ".com", ".net", ".org" etc. You can add or change the endings to whatever you want:
    • The mask for the field -
    • Restrictions: make sure the first character after the dot is correct;
    • Regular expression:
      • [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-+]*@[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+\.(com|net|org)

9. checkbox;


10. file field is used for uploading any file not exceeding 128 MB to the request. After that, file can be downloaded or deleted.


11. button field can be used for automation of any process in the request by creating an additional rule for this field in the Dispatcher using the "Click the button" condition:


When creating the field, you can:

  • adjust the displaying of the name;
  • adjust the displaying of notifications of confirmation when pressing the button
  • add an icon,
  • choose the color of the button and text.

Preview of the created field is also available.


12. multibutton -  when pressed, shows a drop-down list of values and gives the possibility to choose from the list. Its work and setting is not much different from the field Button.


For most fields, when you change from one type to another, all previously entered information is saved and adapted to the other type of field.


All individual fields can be used for automation of processes in the system, you may set up autofilling of received information by means of the Dispatcher's rules .


In the "Request fields" menu, you can also configure the transition after the selected value from one field to another using Scripts. 

To create a script, select the "Scripts"  and then press "Add a script" button.


Let's take a closer look at an example. 

We have two groups of fields:

  • The first group "Basic information" includes the "Payment Type" field:


  • The second group "Additional information" includes the "Card Number" field:


Let's make the field from the second group appear when you select "Card payment". Let's create a script:


Scripts are built on the principle of fulfilling one or/and several conditions, after which the selected fields of the group will be displayed. Scripts can be created for users with the end user access type as well.