Omnichannel buttons

The Omnichannel Buttons menu gives you the ability to send buttons to various social media and messenger channels.


To provide access to the group of agents please open "Group access rights" -> "Management" tab and enable "Omnichannel buttons" menu, then Save.


Once the menu is connected, you can create buttons for channels such as Telegram, Viber and Facebook. You can use Expert Mode and Custom Mode to create buttons. 

Custom mode includes the ability to create buttons that suggest a link or add button text as a reply and/or internal note to the request. Slight differences in the capabilities of the buttons creation modes depend on the selected channel.

To use buttons you need to do the following actions:

  1. Create a group of buttons;
  2. Create a rule in the Dispatcher menu for sending buttons to the channels;
  3. Test the rule.


Let's take a look at creating buttons for each channel.


   Creating buttons for Telegram


Custom mode gives you two choices of creating a group of buttons:

  • If you select "Reply buttons" the specified button text will be added to the request reply on behalf of the customer.

Let's create a button group and add three buttons there: Payment, Shipping and Other. Add them in the order that you would like the buttons to appear for the client.



After we save it, let's open the Dispatcher menu and create some rules:

The first one will add a reply with buttons after the first message of the client in request. In order to add buttons, select the name of the button group in the tag list: in our case it'll be "FAQ"


The second rule will check if the client clicks on the "Payment" button, the same reply will be sent to the request, then department will be automatically changed the to Accounting and reply will be added.



By analogy, you can create rules for other customer choices as well. From the client side this example will look like this:



  • Buttons embedded in messages:
    • Callback - returns the internal note to request, you can select not only the name of the button, but also its value. 
    • URL - opens the specified link.

Let's create buttons with callback. Using the previous example, the opportunity to select the subject for the client in the initial request using Telegram:



Pay attention! The value for the button must not be more than 64 bytes or 32 characters, including spaces. If the specified text in the value is more than this, then the request will display a notification that the message was not delivered and will indicate an error - BUTTON_DATA_INVALID.


Please reconnect the channel and make corresponding changes.

Then you must create a rule in the Dispatcher and check its work.



This time agent on his side will see the following:




Example #2. When clicked, button will send the phone number provided by the client.



To create such a button, select expert mode and add the following code

{ "keyboard": [
    {"text": "Send phone number", "request_contact":true}
{ "one_time_keyboard" : true,
"resize_keyboard" : true

By changing "Send phone number" text, you can specify any name for the button.

How the button looks like from the client side:



After confirmation, the client sends their contact information and then you can process the received information manually or with the help of Dispatcher rules.


  Creating buttons for Viber


When creating buttons for Viber, you can select the type: 

  1. Callback - returns a reply to the request.
  2. URL - opens a specified link.

For each button type you can specify button color and text. For the second button type you must specify a link or tags, for example {like} and {dislike} when creating feedback requests.

For the first type, we specify the value of the button. After selecting a button, the client sees a message with the button name, and the agent in the system sees the client's reply with the button value. After sending the first message with buttons, the client becomes available for selection even after sending a reply.


Let's look at an example and create a group of buttons for selecting the subject of request


Add a rule that will send a message with the selected subject when a new request comes from Viber. Add the button group using the tags:


From the user side, the dialog will look as follows:


 Creating buttons for Facebook:

Facebook allows you to create a maximum of three buttons for a message. See the official documentation for more details.

When creating buttons in custom mode, you can select two types of buttons:

  1. Postback - returns the text of the button to the request and the hidden value to the internal note.
  2. URL - returns to the specified link. 

For the first button type you can specify a button value different from the title when creating it.

For the second type of button you need to specify a link, but you can also use tags {like} and {dislike} to send a request feedback.


Let's create buttons of the first type to define the subject of client's request. Let's duplicate names into the values.



In the "Dispatcher" add a rule that will add a reply with subject selection buttons when a new request is received from Facebook. A group of buttons is added using tags.


Let's check how the rule works.


If you specify an additional value in one of the buttons:


Nothing will change for the end user, but the system will display an internal note for agent:


In the internal note you can write keywords or a hint for the agent, as in the example. Based on the received text of the button in the reply or internal note, you can create a rule for additional actions, such as assignee distribution or sending an automatic request.



If you have an idea of implementing this functional, but can't create the rules yourself or if you have any questions, please contact our support team, we will be happy to help!