User mentions

This option is especially relevant for communication with your partners, with whom you can communicate as part of a customer request. For example, you have received a request from a customer regarding the delivery of an item and you need to clarify this issue with the delivery service. 


To do this, mention the partner (in this case from the delivery service) in the comment through the symbol @ + name/email partner, and he will receive a notification about it in his email:




The partner's response via email will come in the same application as an internal note - customers will not see it, but you will have the opportunity to quote that internal note

Обращаем внимание, что контакт партнера обязательно должен быть заведен в системе.


You can edit the content of the notification in the menu "Notifications" ->  "Mention of the user in the request", where you can change the template to your liking. For example, add the tag "last 7 replies in the request" to the notification:



The partner in the system can be registered as an end-clinet and, accordingly, there is no need to pay for it.